Carrier |
Represents a shipping carrier. |
Country |
Represents a country entity considered by the tiering mechanism. |
DoorToDoorTransitTime |
Represents a door-to-door transit estimate. |
LazyCarrierInjectionAware |
Represents an object that can consume the injection of a `Carrier` entity as
its dependency after instantiation. |
LazyShippingMethodBranchListInjection |
Represents an object that can consume the injection of
`ShippingMethodBranch` entities as its dependency after instantiation. |
LazyShippingMethodInjectionAware |
Represents an object that can consume the injection of a `ShippingMethod`
entity as its dependency after instantiation. |
LazyTierInjectionAware |
Represents an object that can consume the injection of a `Tier` entity as
its dependency after instantiation. |
ShippingMethod |
Represents a shipping method. |
ShippingMethodBranch |
Represents a branch of a shipping method. |
Tier |
Represents a set of shipping method branches sorted in the same tier /
category. |